10 Things to Smile About {December 2014} #10Things

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Now December was a very good month. So many things to smile about! Let’s get started, shall we? (By the way, I’m linking up a few days late with Emily for 10 Things to Smile About.)

1. Music. Holiday music is my JAM and I’m so sad to turn on the radio and not find Christmas music all the time.

2. Christmas cookies. That. is. all.


3. Christmas lights! Oh how I love looking at the pretty lights, and I am so happy that Lucas loves looking at them as well.

4. I was able to post about a meaningful (to me) wish and even though this was a sponsored post, I was able to do something about it. (I had purchased some extra toys and I found kids who would appreciate them.)

5. Perfect apple pie always makes me smile.


6. I got to run a lot over Christmas break. I felt like I was getting back into the rhythm of things.

7. Little boys that insist on wearing mittens when they eat. This kid.


8. Christmas with our boy. He was a blast to be around (even if he wanted to open presents so slowly – and then play with each before moving onto the next toy. He had way more patience than his mommy.)

9. Good friends. I got to spend a whole evening with Carol. We spent half of it on a trip to Target (which was totally random and unexpected) and we had a blast.

10. Spending New Year’s Eve with neighbors is such a great thing. We get to know neighbors we don’t know well, we stay close to home and I was able to come home before midnight without upsetting anyone.

I hope your December was fabulous…

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  1. Happy New Year to you and your family and best wishes for 2015.I love Christmas but I am also a little glad when it is over.The most annoying thing right now is the fact that they are already talking about next Christmas on the TV lol.

  2. Isn’t it funny when the kids take their sweet time with their gifts?? LOL We have that going on here too. AND I have to wake the kids up in the morning!!!

  3. Ohhh. Christmas cookies always make me smile. Also, that Apple pie? Looks beyond words amazing. I bet it is perfect and I think I need to find out:)

  4. That’s such a priceless picture of your son and his mittens. What a happy December for you and your family! I hope to read the same fantastic news for 2016.

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