10 Things to Smile About {February 2015} #10Things #blogging

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It hasn’t been the best month for me. (I’m looking at you, flu.) Regardless, it’s fun to focus on the happier moments of the month. (Oh, and I’m linking up – on time! – with emmymom!)

1. Lucas has been saying the best things this month. For instance, one Saturday morning he woke up, opened his curtains and yelled, “It’s a new day! The sun is coming back!” and this past weekend, when we arrived at church he just looked at me and said, “mommy, I’m so happy.” He’s a great kid.


2. I registered for several races. Two half marathons and a 5k. (Since my original registration binge, I’ve also registered for a virtual 10k and I have another 5k and I am signing up for.)

3. I made really cute, fun Valentines for my son’s daycare group. I think they turned out so great! (Of course, this all happened right before I was knocked down for a week.)


4. Watching the artistic side of my boy come out is a blast. He loves painting. He’s not so much into coloring, but give him paint or chalk and he’ll stay busy for a while.

5. I registered for Blogging Concentrated, which is next month. Just the fact that I registered is big and makes me smile.

6. I’ve seen a lot of friends this month – either through work or through social commitments. I love catching up with friends.

7. Our Oscars party was super fun. I love the red carpet coverage of the Oscars and many of the acceptance speeches. (This year, I loved the musical performances.)

8. We visited Mountain Play Lodge this past weekend and it really deserves a huge post of its own. My boy had a blast! (And they had several Thomas the Train tables – a little boy’s dream!)


9. I’m hopefully going to see my friend Mendie this week! She’s in town from Ohio. I met her in real life the day of my layoff, and it’s been a while since I’ve seen her.

10. Snow! There is big fluffy snow on the ground this morning. I don’t have photos yet (it’s still very early), but my plan is to take Lucas out first thing after breakfast so he can play in it before I take him to daycare. (I still have some work to get done from home.) Finally. FUN snow!

What made you smile this month?

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  1. Yeah! Glad you finally got some real snow. Growing up I always figured if it was cold enough to snow we might as well have it. Always good to find fun new places for kids. That Valentine is so cute! That is so awesome how many races you are doing. And your Oscar cookies are the best! Thank you so much for linking up

  2. Some of the things that come out of the kids mouths are just too cute. Glad you are feeling better šŸ™‚

  3. I had quite a few things to smile about. I’m looking at closing on my new home soon, my toddler is now fully potty trained (woohoo!) and my daughter bought her first car. Lots of achievements this month.

  4. This looks like a month full of accomplishments! Congrats on the races, your creativity and future events! Cheers to celebrating those precious milestones that make motherhood so special too.

  5. As Art Linkletter used to say “Kids say the darndest things” and he was right!! Children have no artiface–they are open and honest–sometimes too much so. I hope he had fun in the snow and am glad to hear you are feeling better.

  6. All amazing reasons to smile about for sure! I have quite a few too! It’s been a week of ups and downs for me but I’m still smiling!

    Glad you are feeling better! Very lovely post!

  7. Your boy is adorable, and he sounds like a fun and bright little man! Sometimes I wish I had a tape recorder running for all the funny things that come out of my son’s mouth, so I could save them forever. šŸ™‚

  8. If snow is making you smile, allow me to send some of ours your way lol. That’s the one thing that is making me NOT smile this month. We have been dumped on all winter, I am ready for spring!

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