10 Things to Smile About {January 2015} #10Things #10Things2Smile

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I think I’m in denial about this being the end of the month. I mean…weren’t we just celebrating Christmas? How are we a few days from February?

Oh well. I’m linking up for 10 Things to Smile About…because it’s been a pretty decent month.


1. We celebrated ringing in the new year at home. We started out at a friend’s house, but at the stroke of midnight, we were at home – right where I wanted to be.

2. I ran two races on New Year’s Day! One of those races was a family race, knocking that off of my goal list for the year.

3. I’ve been more intentional in being hands free. It’s a good feeling.

Going hands free: Life happens (even if it isn't documented on social media.) #handsfree

4. I’ve read so many books this month! I just haven’t posted about them. Trust me in that I’m back in my reading game.

5. I started working out with a personal trainer and I’m over the moon excited about working with her!

6. Our friends came for dinner and Lucas talked everyone into playing music. It was one of my favorite nights of this month.


7. I signed up for Weight Watchers eTools. I’m holding myself more accountable. I think it’s working (along with a combination of exercise/personal training.)

8. I selected a word for this year. Balance. I’m still finding it. It’s a work in progress. I am a work in progress.

9. I’ve managed to keep the house standing and our son alive while my husband is in DC! (He comes home today.)

10. I have planned 6 events for work – only one is local to me – for the next two months. I feel like I’m somewhat on top of things, but at the same time, I really need some people to RSVP SOON! So. February will be even happier if I can get some people to show up at my events!

What made you smile this month?

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  1. i just got a new phone! its a monthly kind (what i had before, just different provider) we’ll see if my data package results in me being hands-free more, or if i up it to a different plan next month.

  2. Sounds like you really have a lot to smile about. I’ve been wanting to learn more about the weight watchers tool. Maybe you can share your experience with us one day.

  3. Sounds like a happy month! I started getting back into reading again too. I only did 4 books last month, but hoping to up that this month. That will make me smile!

  4. I am still reading and writing up a lot of book reviews. What has me smiling is I am actually just blogging lately. I have been more or less successful at getting 2 posts up a day-1 a book review and 1 something I wrote-even if it is short!

  5. Keep up the awesome year! It seems you really have a lot going for you right now and are able to also recognize it.

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