10 Things to Smile About {September 2016}

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Here we are at the end of September – and this has been a packed month! Our schedules show no signs of slowing down in the coming months, so hopefully the rest of the year will be kind. 

1. I’ve survived a couple of solo parenting weekends! My husband had the opportunity to join some friends for a boy’s weekend, and then he traveled to California for a weekend.

2. I traveled to Atlanta and visited Graco’s headquarters and it was amazing! I can’t wait to share even more with you in the next several weeks.

3. We went to the corn maze near our neighborhood! I have a post started so I can share the fun things from our area corn maze, and hope to have it up in the next couple of days.


4. We took our son to the NC Mountain State Fair – his first fair visit! We haven’t been in years and we went the last weekend (it was only open 9 days.) It was also morning and the place was practically empty – perfect for us.


5. While my husband was out of town the second time, I took the kids to an apple orchard. I bought a small bag to let my son fill up and he got to enjoy the kid’s activities. Again, photos and an entire post coming. 🙂

6. That same weekend, I got almost 10 hours of sleep…in one night! It was glorious, and it wasn’t the baby who woke me Saturday night.

7. I ran 3.7 miles one Saturday! It was unplanned – I had set out to run 2.5 miles. I almost wished I had run 4 miles, but I’ll take 3.7!

8. I made a ring sling to wear my baby. I’ve used it a couple of times and I absolutely love it. I love babywearing in general and I’m so glad that she enjoys it too. 


9. Grey’s Anatomy started back this month and it’s the one show I won’t miss at this point. (Technically I missed the season premiere, since I was flying that evening, but I watched it the next day.) 

10. I’ve spent many lunch hours in the school’s fitness center this month and I’m loving it. I’ve also mastered reading my Kindle while running on the treadmill. It’s not as tricky as one might think!

Linking up with Julie and EmmyMom again! 

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