10 Things to Smile About (April)

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It’s time for 10 Things To Smile About – the April edition! This was a crazy travel month for me. Really crazy. I have rarely ever traveled for work and this month I was gone two weeks. Eek!

1. I started the month in Indianapolis, with a great run. I’ve never visited Indy before, so this was a lot of fun for me!


2. Facetime (and Skype) is a game changer for traveling.

3. My boy is POTTY TRAINING. I mean, we are SO close to being completely potty trained (except at night) and I could not be more proud of this kid. He is in his “big boys pants” 90% of the day. It’s an exciting time.

4. My running view during work is pretty cool some days. Spring time, especially, since the baby animals are born and exploring their fields.


5. I had to do a purchase order for a hog. I never dreamed this would have been part of my job, but this past week I had to create a purchase requisition, and get a purchase order for a pig for a pig picking. (This is something that I may possibly go into further detail one day. It’s not my idea. Just know that.) This is something to smile about because it’s just so hilarious that someone working in Advancement for a university doesn’t expect to do. Ever.

6. My toddler still wants me to rock him sometimes. And I’m happy to oblige.

7. I ran the Fiddlin’ 5k last month (was that really in April??)

8. Oh and I ran the Greenway Challenge (10k) and I know that was definitely in April. Bari and her family were also here for a couple of days. It was a really fun weekend!

9. My boy got a haircut last month and sat in the chair all by himself without complaint. First time ever and it was so great.


10. I also can’t forget Lucas’ first ceramics class. (My ceramics teacher fell about two weeks ago and was hurt pretty badly. She’s doing better now, but when I talked to her, she only wanted to talk about how happy she was to see Lucas painting. It made me smile and know that she really is feeling better.)


11. And a bonus one. I haven’t really posted about my work trip last week. It was a long, mostly fun trip that left me exhausted. I should post about it at some point. But for right now I’m focusing on next week’s big event – college graduation! Once I get through my first graduation, I’ll have so many things to smile about!

Now, your turn. What made you smile in April?


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  1. I can’t believe April is already over- I swear I just blinked and it was gone! My son (2 1/2) asked me to “rock-a rock-a him” the other day and it melted my heart!

  2. Sounds like it was a great month! Glad your ceramics teacher is okay and so fun that you get to bring your son to the class.
    Indianapolis is a pretty city- at least it was when I went on a band field trip back in high school many many years ago šŸ™‚ That pony is so cute!! So exciting about potty training! Lucas was fully trained in the day but wore a diaper at night for about 4 months I bet.

    Thanks so much for linking up

  3. that was a jam-packed month!!
    Today I am smiling about the SUNSHINE!!!! after almost a week of gloominess its a God-send for sure!

  4. Lots of fun stuff for you, awesome! My happiest part about April was giving birth to my daughter <3 Can't believe how quickly the month flew by though!

  5. Sounds like an amazing month! You must have a gorgeous run route, it would be so sweet to see that itty bitty horse every day! COngrats on graduation — Wooo!

  6. Look at him so cute in the chair getting his hair cut! Glad he sat still and was good. Mine always has too (knock on wood). šŸ˜‰

  7. That is a great question! First one has to be my son’s birthday. He’s ten now and so proud to be a big boy. The second one is my mother’s birthday, she’s 59 and not so excited about being 60 next year. But still, it was special to be able to spend the day together.

  8. Yay for potty training! When I went to my first pig pickin’, I thought it was super bizarre- but they’re so common around here!

  9. You’re so blessed to have so many things to smile about! We recently finished potty training my son and that’s definitely something to be happy for. šŸ™‚

  10. Facetime and Skype have really changed travel for me as well. The ability to see and talk to everyone at home…sometimes that’s all you need to turn around your day.

  11. My son goes with his Grandpa (aka Papa) to get his haircut at the ‘guys only’ barber shop. It’s a great way for them to bond, and plus they barber does a GREAT job and it’s not expensive. So it’s a win/win for me!

    1. I do šŸ™‚ I get a lot of perks (like access to the fitness center, the ability to run during lunch time. Discounts at the school cafeteria.) And I work a lot of crazy events, like graduation and homecoming!

  12. What made me smile in April is that we are paying off debt and almost back to being debt free. Whoohoo~

  13. i got to fly to tampa, meet my bloggy bff i’ve talked to for FOUR YEARS!! in person, visit outback headquarters, and more. lots to smile about

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