10 Things to Smile About {July 2014}

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I love these monthly round-ups (of all the good things this month!) Thanks to Emily for hosting the link-up. July was a good – BUSY – month!

1. The BEACH. Oh how the beach makes me smile. Even if my son hates the ocean this year, I know he enjoyed playing in the sand. And we got some much-needed family downtime.


2. Running on the beach. I ran several times to and from the beach, and on the beach, while we were on vacation. It was the best.

3. Hanging at home for a rainy weekend. We were on the go for so many weeks in a row, it was nice to kick back.


4. The toddler and I made it to Splasheville! I haven’t blogged about it, but I’ll do something before summer is over. We’ll be going back again soon.

5. I had a really successful event for work. I really enjoy my job (even if it’s not the computer programming-laden work I am used to.) I can’t get over how far I have come in the past 11 months.

6. Oh, we visited Charleston! It was only a few hours, but that’s all I needed at the time.


7. I did the Weight Watchers Simple Start program again and managed to drop several pounds. I have good things to say about my second time around with the program.

8. The Color Run! It was a fun race, even though it was full of craziness (the amount of people. Wow.)


9. My first 5k with my son! He’s still talking about the race (and the blue stuff he got on his hands.) I hope we can run another race together one day soon.


10. My husband’s birthday! He turned the big 3-5 this week and we celebrated with dinner and cake. When I told my son he needed to say “happy birthday, Daddy!” he replied with, “happy birthday, monkey!” It took some time and convincing for him to realize it really was daddy’s birthday, and not his monkey’s. (Husband’s birthday party is in August. I’m sure it’ll be one of my 10 Things next month!)

And a bonus one…I started a Stream of Consciousness link-up every weekend. The link-up goes live on Saturday and is open through Monday morning. If you have five minutes to blog (that’s all I want you to randomly blog!) or if you have a random/free post you’ve written, please link up!

What made you smile this month?


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  1. A few things that made me smile this month – Family Reunion – Zoo Trip – Upper MIchigan Adventure – Dawn’s new puppy – Digger – positive health results.

  2. Great post. The beach is top on my list for sure. I love this post, because people generally tend to focus on the negative instead of the positive, which doesn’t do anything except make life more difficult and less enjoyable. There really is a power to positive thinking.

  3. Sounds like you have had a great month.My kiddies coming back home from their holiday made me so happy,And randomly walking in to watching the marathon at the commonwealth games,we had forgotten it was on and had gone shopping and turned up at just the right time.

  4. So fun and impressive that you did the race with your son. I know when I get tired the only thing that keeps me going is concentrating on how I am swinging my arms, so I can’t imagine having to push a stroller, you rock! So glad your job is going so well. Ryder still doesn’t like the ocean, he just plays in the sand pretty much the whole time.

  5. You certainly have a lot to smile about! Going to the beach is always so relaxing, and Charleston looks beautiful.

  6. What great 10 things! loved your photos as they made me smile especially the color run. I smiled a lot with the beautiful weather we have had this month! Thanks for sharing.

  7. You had such an awesome july, makes my life seem boring, I really want to go Charleston is in my bucket list well most of the towns in gone with the wind =)

  8. i did the color run last year and it was one of the best times of my life! It was amazing and I am happy your son loved it too!

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