10 things to smile about – March

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I’m linking up with Emmy Mom to bring you my 10 things to smile about – the March edition!

1. I finally blogged about my boy turning 2.5-years-old (and soon he’ll be 31 months, so I need to get to work on updating that post!)


2. I ran the Oskar Blues 4-mile race! My first time racing this distance and it was a blast. I also met Julie at that race! We’ve been virtual friends for a while (reading each others blogs) and have even run several of the same races, but never met in person!


3. I decided to jump in and try the Weight Watchers Simple Start plan. I’m currently in the middle of week two and I do enjoy it. (And the results have been good, so far. Check in next week for a review of the second week.)

4. I did a post about teeth brushing tips and a new app we tried out. It was a sponsored post, but it actually was a lot of fun and we use the app twice a day. My kid loves it. (And he no longer fights me on brushing his teeth! Win!) If the little man carries on like this he won’t need as many appointments at practices similar to Dentist Kennewick, win win for both of us!


5. The blog hit 2000 posts! So I told you 20 things about myself.

6. Completed project number 3! A St. Patrick’s Day wreath. I don’t know how I’m going to follow up that project because I really love how it turned out. (And I already have an Easter wreath – two of them, in fact.)

7. It was a busy month, but early in the month on I made some really cool MHU cookies for a potluck birthday lunch. I have plans to make these again for future MHU events.


8. These boys. And the love for music.

9. I have medicine to kick bronchitis! So glad that modern medicine can fix some of my ailments. I’m going on a trip next week and I really could not be sidelined later this week. (I was a bit surprised by bronchitis, though. It just hit me so fast!)

10. There is a post about things I love, from last week. I enjoy being more positive on my blog and not always spewing “how to” stuff and monthly updates on my son (as much as I love those updates!) I definitely want to do another things I love post over the next few weeks!

Overall, it was a good month. What made you smile this month?

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  1. Yea! So happy you linked up. It is nice to have a good balance on the blog. How fun that you got to meet a bloggy friend at the race. Oh and anything that makes the nightly bedtime process easier is a huge plus in my book. Off to read the posts I missed, which are a lot as I am so behind!

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