13 months

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In taking the monthly photo, I realized just how glad I am we’re not doing the weekly photos any longer. He does not want to sit still.


Lucas is 13 months old! Just in the past couple of days, he’s started trying to copy what we say. He said apple, dirty, sit down and Tigger. And those are just a few of the words I can remember. (“Sit down” was when he was in the bathtub. He always wants to stand, and I’m afraid he’ll fall.)

Sleep continues to be hit or miss. Just when it’s becoming a hit, he starts teething again. In the past week, he started getting his bottom molars. The top molars came in right after his birthday.

He is a HUGE fan of books. We keep a basket of his books in the living room, and he tears through them. He’ll sit for quite a long time and “read.” I can also leave him in his bedroom and he’ll pull every book off the middle shelf of his bookcase to go through. It’s quite the scene.

He still loves Chloe. And he pets her gently. He will occasionally tug too hard on her, but she doesn’t bite or scratch him. (Once, he did pull her tail and she hissed, but she still didn’t bite or scratch. I’m so impressed by the cat.)


He is a little bit of a picky eater, but we keep working with him on new foods. He loves chicken. And most fruits. He tried pancakes last weekend, and was okay with those (he prefers eggs for breakfast.) Tonight, we tried pumpkin pancakes and he was not a fan. We tried cheese this past week and he loves that as much as chicken, if not more. He seems to tolerate it, so I think we may be moving past the dairy sensitivity!

He is still breastfeeding, and I’m so glad we kept it up. I think our “goal” will be around 18 months. If we make it through the winter, I’m okay with that because it just means he’ll be a little bit healthier and may be able to fight off the winter illnesses a little more. We have weaned a few of the feedings (he just doesn’t nurse as often.)

Lucas isn’t walking yet. He will stand on his own, but once he realizes he’s not being supported by anything, he quickly grabs onto the table, couch or side of the bathtub. (Yes, he loves to stand and let go in the bathtub. And that’s why he now knows “sit down” and what it means.)

We have a swing in the front yard that he loves. If we don’t take a walk in the evening, we will usually swing for a little bit before dinner.

And he’s becoming quite the social butterfly! I took him to the grocery store yesterday and he said “hi” to no fewer than 20 people. I had to run to the store again today, and he did it again. If you don’t say “hi” back to him, he’ll repeat himself (and get louder and louder…) I started to get embarrassed yesterday, when I realized what he was doing, but it’s really quite cute. And funny. And strangers seemed to love it. (Even the men he said “hi” to.)

I’m pretty sure that by next month, we’ll be discussing first steps…and more teeth. Always more teeth.

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One Comment

  1. Love it! And oh his eyes- wow those are beautiful blue eyes.

    My Lucas didn’t walk until almost 14 months I think? Can’t remember for sure.

    That would be so cute to see him saying hi to everyone in the store

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