14 months!
It feels so weird to not be writing these posts on a weekly basis!
Our little guy is 14 months old. (He has been for almost a week!) He’s had quite a month. He took his first steps, he’s learned new words, he has eaten new foods. He even slept through the night (twice!) He also caught two colds in the past 2.5 weeks.
His vocabulary includes: mama, dada, cat, dog, no, uh oh, hello, bye bye, thank you, shoe, cheese, sit down, night night, duck, ball, pop (as in bubbles go “pop, pop, pop”).
He does not speak on command.
This video was taken tonight during bath time.
He’ll high five you. He waves bye. He also will blow kisses (or say MWAH!) He will give me hugs, which is pretty sweet. Today we worked on what the dog says (woof) and he knows that the lion says “roar!”
A video from yesterday. Ignore the darkness.
He is mostly out of his 12-month clothes. He has 12 teeth, and is working on the 13th (maybe the 13th and 14th, it’s sometimes hard to tell.)
Like I mentioned, he slept through the night two nights in the past month. Really, that’s two nights since June or so? And not in a row. I keep hoping that the next month will be our turning point. Maybe we’ve turned a corner at 14 months? Who knows. I’ve gotten used to functioning on no sleep, though.
He laughs a lot. Last night, I would run towards him and he would collapse in laughter. He’s such a funny kid.
Every day, it seems, he’s becoming more fun. And sweeter. I love this stage.
Oh my gosh I can’t believe how big he is getting! Hard to believe it’s been 7 months since I’ve seen him.