17 weeks

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Want to know how crazy things are? Last week I shot the weekly photo for 16 weeks, and the block said “months.” I noticed it earlier today (and did a bad photoshop job on the old photo until I can get the time to do a better photoshop job on the high-res photo.)

Lucas is 17 weeks. 🙂


We traveled this past week – on Wednesday and Saturday. His sleep has left a lot to be desired, but we seem to be heading back in the right direction. I keep reading about a four month wake period, and expecting his sleep patterns to get all crazy at night. We shall see.

Lucas keeps pretty active. And he enjoys his hands over any toy these days. Hands down. We don’t see any signs of teeth in our near future, but I’m not ruling teeth out, either.


I think he’s closing in on 16 pounds. We go back to the pediatrician next week for his four-month appointment and second round of shots. I expect that to be a rough day for us.

17 weeks! Can you believe it??

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One Comment

  1. I just love these weekly updates!!! Please, keep them coming! Also, send lots of pics of Jason, my brother & Gale….Thanks We’d like some of you & Kenny, too!

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