19 weeks

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We have a 19-week-old now!


I was fortunate to be able to stay home for two extra days this week with him (and see my brother who is home until Thursday.)

We’ve hit the four-month sleep regression period. This week, a Twitter friend suggested an early bedtime. I did this before, but this time we’re being more consistent. He now goes to bed at 7:30 without a fight. He wakes around 10ish to eat and the goal is to get him to sleep until the next morning. The first night, he woke once (around 4) and the second night was a bust. He woke up twice. The next two nights, however, he only woke once. The good part of the early bedtime is he is up at 7:30 a.m. and it’s easier to get him ready for daycare. Normally I have to wake him and dress him while he’s half asleep.

He’s laughing so much! He’s getting more and more ticklish and it is SO MUCH FUN. I think we have some laughs on video, but it may be another 19 weeks before I can get them off the camera.


The exersaucer is also becoming more fun for him. He likes being able to sit up and see us, so we have started putting him in the exersaucer when we eat dinner, rather than have him sit in his swing.

I’m starting to transition is 3-6 month clothes out already. We received a lot of clothes for Christmas, and most were the 3-6 month size. We’re now in a race to get him to wear most of them before he’s completely out of them!

We were told we could start rice cereal, and then fruits and vegetables, whenever we felt like it (before 6 months.) He’s doing great with my milk that we’ve decided to hold off until he’s closer to 6 months. We may try some cereal in February. And I want to make his food – I’ll have time next month to start that, too.

Exciting times!

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