2014 Fall Bucket List

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Just as I did for summer, I’ve created a fall bucket list. (I really should go through and update the summer one, right? We did so much!

Fall is one of my favorite times of year. It helps that my birthday and wedding anniversary are both in October. And we have so many birthdays in September. It’s a good time to celebrate. It’s not too hot, and generally not too cold.


Since today is the first official day of fall, here’s my list I’d like to tackle this season.

1. Visit our local corn maze. Make it through the longest maze, and not just the kid maze that we’ve completed the past two years.


2. Pick our own apples.

3. Make my own applesauce. My mom has done this for years, and now I want to learn!

4. Run a half marathon. (I’m signed up. Now I need to run it.)

5. Rake giant leaf piles for the toddler (and me?) to jump in. Life is short.

6. Fall garden. I want to keep my garden going as long as possible!

7. Take a hike! We haven’t been hiking in years. Maybe since we dated.

8. Relax. I spent the summer going from one thing to the next and it has thrown me into one giant panic attack. (Thanks to a friend who so graciously pointed out my current state of being.) I have to relax or I’m going to be dead before I’m 37.

I was originally going for 10 things, but that kind of negates number 8. I can’t stress about what I’m going to do this fall. I need time for my family and myself. And I think we have a fairly do-able bucket list to conquer.

What do you like about fall? For me it’s the cooler temps, the changing of the leaves and candy corn. I really love candy corn.

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  1. It sounds like you have a really nice fall planed. We have been apple picking already (we went Labor Day weekend) and pumpkin picking and a corn maze are both next on my list – they both happen at the same place, so I knock them both out at once.

  2. I am creating a list of things that I would like to do this fall. I had a crazy summer so my list will be fairly small this year.

  3. Fall is, hands down, my favorite season. I have never made a bucket list, but I really should. We’ve been apple picking already and next month is pumpkin picking. I am getting giddy just thinking about it all!

  4. I really love the change of pace of fall! We love all the fall parties, too. This is a great time to make all the fun pumpkin recipes we’ve filled up our Pinterest boards with, too!

  5. Our wedding anniversary is in October too. No idea what we’re going to do, it’s a big one. šŸ™‚ I don’t have a Fall bucket list, but we are swamped busy w/kiddo activities.

  6. We don’t really have anything planned and I’m just okay with that. I want to do some home projects to get my house ready for winter but otherwise, I’m good.

  7. I would love to take my family apple picking, but I don’t think we have a place to do that around here. Great list! Hope you get everything on your list done šŸ™‚ And have fun while doing so. Happy fall!

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