My 2015 Crafty (creative) resolutions #15in15
I loved my #12projects12months project last year. I went above and beyond the 12 projects in 12 months and I created some really fun things. I learned to embroider and applique, I created cloth books and fleece blankets. I started a few projects that were not documented because they were never completed, and I have made more creative goals for 2015.
1. Use the Collect app and scrapbook more. Stay on top of 2014 while backtracking and scrapbooking previous years.
2. Finish the scarf I began last January.
3. Crochet the scarf I promised my husband for our anniversary…this past October.
4. Learn to knit.
5. Convert my old photo albums (think: high school and college days) into Project Life albums. I will not buy any new PL kits until I’ve used some of what I currently have – which is a lot of stuff.
6. Finally learn more of the art of cake decorating. I have ideas for my son’s birthday and it would be awesome if I made a fun cake.
7. Make a bed skirt for our bed.
8. Make pajama pants for Christmas 2015. I think this is such a fun tradition, but I never have time. I vow to make time.
I think I’m going to take last year’s #12projects12months a step further and aim for 15 in 2015. That’s do-able, right? I’ve only listed a few of my goals, but I’m often creating things. I just need finish them so they can be a part of my 2015 resolution.
If you’re crafty, do you set goals for your crafts, or let the creative juices flow when they come? If you’re reading this, I know you must be creative. What goals do you have for this next year? (They can be anything like sewing or writing a book!)
I know – I need to make Craft Goals – so much to do! In 2015 I am going to spend more time on card making – I am new to card making and want to learn. I also want to focus on recycled glass wind chimes for Spring, I think I will be doing a few Spring Art Shows with my bottle wind chimes.
I have been saying for years that I wanted to learn to knit. I am not sure if I will do it this year or not, but I definitely want to learn someday.
This should be a great year for you. Crafts are always so much fun!
what a fun year!!
I have heard a couple of podcasters mention collect but I haven’t looked into it. right now I use dropbox so that my phone photos are at least available from my laptop to put into picasa if I am making collages or upload to shutterfly for prints..
I am a die hard CM album scrapper so I am stoked to see them coming out w/pocket pages that will fit right in with my 12×12 layouts!! That should help me pick up more speed w/my scrapping!
I should really make resolutions like this,I have decided to try to spend more time in the kitchen it is working so far.
Crafty resolutions are the only ones I’ve ever been able to keep. It’s much easier to stick to something when it’s super fun. 😉
Those are some great crafting goals. I would love to learn to knit, but I don’t know if my hands would tolerate it.
I wish I was more crafty! I tend to stick to kid crafts, since I do better with paper and glue than sewing and knitting 🙂
I found a DIY t-shirt scarf craft that I would like to do. Currently though my goal is to finish the new puzzle my Grandma just bought me, and finish up the Cinderella puzzle I bought a few years ago and never finished.
I can crochet a little, does that count?
Can you make me butterfly pajama pants? That would be SO cool!
Happy New Year and Happy Wordless Wednesday! (Or like me, not-so-wordless)
I didn’t set a while set of goals for crafting this year but there a few that I do want to accomplish this year as part of self growth goals.
This is a great idea. I will have to try the twelve for twelve this year.
One of my goals this year is to craft more. I would also love to learn to learn more about paper crafting specifically!
This is a great idea! Look at all that washi tape! I love it. I may do this for our home school days with my daughter. Art is her favorite so this could be fun for us!
I have fallen short of crafting, I really want to get more creative this year! We live in a rental so for me things have not been the same with creating.
making pajama pants is a great idea. I could do that, I’ve made them before
What a fantastic idea! I’m so behind on my scapboks and I LOVE doing them. This has truly motivated me. I set a lot of goas for other things, I need to set some for my albums! Love it
I am slowly getting my craft groove back. I am using an old pattern for a Ken (barbie) bedroom and modernizing it a bit. It’s plastic canvas. I would like to do more of these as I have some Barbie ones I want to change the colors on and make more for Monster High dolls. I also want to do more crafts overall – especially knitting or crochet. I miss painting. I miss jewelry design. I used to do all of this, but life took me in so many different directions. I am trying to get back to me.
We could use a bed skirt too. I bet they are easy enough to make. I might give that a try too.
What an amazing post. I never thoughts of making crafty resolutions. What a great way to get that craft cabinet cleared out and get all that fabric sewn into projects!
I do want to get alot more craft projects done this year. Maybe do some painting as well
Fantastic year for you. You will do awesome in 2015