22 months {baby update}
Do you know what a relief it has been that my daughter really hasn’t been sick this past month? FINALLY. Finally we’re in a good place. A healthy place. And a really funny place.
This girl loves to laugh. If her brother is pitching a fit, she laughs at him (which only makes him angrier.) She is ticklish, which is fun, but she also just laughs at random – if she hears people on the tv or in the car laughing, she joins in. I love it.
She’s starting to copy us more when we’re talking. I got her to say “I don’t know” when we were out shopping over the weekend and it was super cute. She’s pretty good at going with the flow.
She is SUPER jealous of other kids if I talk to them or am taking care of them. My husband and I watched the toddlers at church recently and Lilah was beside herself upset that other kids were getting our attention.
She’s mostly in size 24 clothes. She wears a size 3 diaper, but could go to a 4 (I’ve been holding off because you get so many more diapers with the size 3 packs!) I think we’ll be potty training very soon. She’s aware of when she should be going to the potty, and if she has a dirty diaper she tells us “poo poo potty!” So. I think she’s almost ready.
She is SUCH a joy! Loves Elmo and Abby, enjoys a play kitchen I bought for our son, still loves naps, and is a relatively good sleeper at night. She’s pretty daring. She loves to climb on stools, chairs, and whatever she can get her little legs on. Lately she’s started pulling the canvas down that hangs above her crib. I fear the day she starts trying to get out of her crib! (Her brother didn’t do that for years – and actually hated the transition to a toddler bed.) And we haven’t had to go to the doctor in over a month! It’s a daycare miracle. 🙂