That was my time of the half marathon today! Two hours, twenty two minutes, no extra seconds. And, that’s including the several minutes I took to use the bathroom at mile 7.
I had a great time, even with no family/friends cheering me on from the sidelines in Virginia Beach. The crowd was decent, and I quickly made a couple of running friends. I wore my iPod for the majority of the run – the bands were grouped close together, and weren’t the greatest, so I wanted to focus on the race with my own music.
The toughest part? The final 2.5-3 mile stretch, coming down the boardwalk. It was so HOT there! The weather kicked butt this morning, but once the son was glaring down on me on that boardwalk, all bets were off. I thought I would never reach the finish line.
The beach has been gorgeous. Looking at it from the boardwalk today was spectacular, and I quickly made my way to the ocean, as soon as I could get my shoes off. No swimming for this girl, though. The currents have been too strong the past few days. I told Kenny I’d be safe, and I need to make sure I make it home tomorrow.
I’ve spent the majority of the day at the pool or in the hot tub. The hot tub has been amazing on my legs. The pool has been a nice change. For once, it didn’t rain when I showed up at the pool (it totally clouded over yesterday when I arrived at the pool!)
I’m not sure I’ll come back to run the Virginia Beach Rock & Roll Half Marathon. It wasn’t the MOST organized race, and I don’t think I could get lucky with the weather like I have this weekend. We’ll see, though.
Next up? The Citizen-Times Half Marathon in two weeks. Then 5 more weeks til the wedding. No more races planned until Thanksgiving, and that’s just a 5k.
Til I can get home and find the cord for my camera to upload pictures….I’m heading to the bed (and, yes, it’s only 8 p.m.)