28 months
Our toddler turned 28-months-old on December 31 – and I once again bribed him with a lollipop for a decent photo. (No judging.)
This month, we’ve mastered the art of the sneaky smile. When he knows he shouldn’t be doing something, he gives this grin. It makes me laugh so much at him.
He had an absolute blast with Christmas this month. It was all a little much for him, but he still loved it. (And 3 weeks after Christmas, we’re still watching Elmo’s Countdown to Christmas.)
He loves to give hugs and kisses. Even to the cat. If I’m leaving him at daycare, he’ll say, “I need a hug” and then “Now, kiss.” He’s so sweet. He does this at night when I put him to bed, and he does it when daddy leaves for work. Often, he’ll say “I need a hug” when he sees Chloe (the cat.) He “air hugs” her. That’s the only way he can get away with it around her. And he air kisses her too. Such a loving boy!
We’ve tried watching one real movie with him – the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. He loves it. We weren’t so sure, since it was so old and missing many special effects that you see in today’s movies. But, love, I tell you. Thankfully, we have access to it 24/7 with Netflix. (If it ever disappears from Netflix, we’ll be a sad, sad family.) The Elmo Countdown to Christmas could count as a movie, but it’s still less than an hour.
On a little more “technical” side, he now weighs 27.5 pounds. He’s long and skinny. He has tried to use the potty a couple of times, but still resists potty training. While he still eats mostly pureed vegetables, he’s a fan of playing with vegetables. And eating carrot sticks. His eating habits are a work in progress.