32 weeks pregnant…and needing all the sleep
The exhaustion has hit again. This time, though, I don’t have the luxury of afternoon/early evening naps. I really miss naps.
The (sleep) struggle is real.
How far along am I: 32 weeks Take a look at last time.
Size of baby: Still unnamed, this baby is about 4 pounds.
Total weight gain/loss: Nope. Let’s skip this.
Clothes: I did purchase a few short-sleeve shirts at Target this past weekend. (They were 25% off with Cartwheel, and I needed something comfortable, yet suitable for work.)
Gender: Still a girl, we think.
Movement: She moves a good amount during the day. I hope this means she’ll sleep at night. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we gained a baby that liked to sleep?? I don’t even have a 4-year-old who likes to sleep.
Sleep: The leg cramps are increasing at night, but I’ve also had a few nights where I can actually sleep soundly. This week, I was awake Sunday night with a terrible (and annoying) stomach virus. I don’t know if there’s anything worse than the stomach virus this far along in pregnancy….except maybe the flu? Knock on wood I don’t get the flu in the next 8 weeks.
What I miss: Not feeling exhausted during the day. My clothes fitting properly. Walking up a flight of stairs and not being out of breath at the top of the stairs.
Cravings: There haven’t been many since I was on a liquid diet for almost 48 hours.
Symptoms: The leg cramps, the weight gain, the insomnia. It’s all there.
Best moment this week: I had what I felt like was a great workout on Saturday. I even managed to get 10,000 steps in that day without working extra hard. And I made some progress on Lucas’ new room. (Then the sickness struck. Oy.)
Looking fabulous, Mama! Glad you are feeling better!
You look gorgeous! I remember those long last few weeks. You’re doing great. Tip for the leg cramps – mustard. Eat a spoonful of plain old yellow mustard. I promise it helps. I learned that trick during my last pregnancy and now even my husband who gets occasional overnight leg cramps will go to the kitchen for a spoonful. Hope whatever bug you had is gone and you can get some food in and keep in it now. š