33 months
Someone is 33 months (and the blocks can’t be used for 33, 34 and 35 months because the 3 and the 4 and 5 are all on the same block, not on both. The only downside of using blocks!) This time, I bribed him with the promise of popcorn if he’d let me take his picture. He obliged. And he got the healthy, non-buttery popcorn.
He is a talker. And when going through a growth-spurt, he is an eater. His tantrums are a little fewer this month, and I don’t know if we’re just getting used to handling them or if we’re able to cut them off before they really get started.
He weighs 29.5 pounds and he’s 34 inches tall. He has grown a full inch in 3 months.
He loves, loves, loves Sophie. And Chloe. He likes to tell Sophie to “come get me!” and most times she’ll run after him or beside him.
(There is so much technically wrong with this photo, but I love it.)
He is having fewer accidents in the potty training side of things. He still has the occasional accident during naptime (so we have him wear a “nap diaper” as we try to use some of the gDiaper inserts we still have.) I don’t think we even have any regular disposable diapers now. He is wearing a diaper at night still.
He still takes a decent 2-3 hour nap. His bedtime is before 8, but he often doesn’t fall asleep until 8:30 or 9. And he wakes up by 7 a.m. every. single. day.
He has started eating meat again! A few weeks ago, I told him to eat some hamburger and he could have ice cream. I only required him to eat two bites, but he ate all of what I gave him. (And then I gave him ice cream.) Every night that week, I asked him to try a different meat, and now it’s not a big deal. He generally eats whatever meat we give him. Mealtime just got a WHOLE lot easier!
He also loves carrots and broccoli, especially if he has ranch to dip it in.
At the grocery store this weekend, he wanted to hold a pen I had. And then he wanted to draw. I gave him a notepad I had in my purse, and he drew on so many pages. He’s a little artist. He did such a great job not drawing on anything besides the paper, and he sounds out words as if he’s spelling them and writing the letters.
He is such a smart, active, funny boy!
3 inches in a month! Wow.
Those pictures are so cute!