Toddler days: 34 months
My boy is almost 3-years-old. Where has the time gone?
This month has been much nicer on us at bedtime. For the past week, he just tells the person doing bedtime that they need to leave and “good night.” It’s sweet, and I’m wondering where that sweet boy has been the past 34 months. 😉
He has tried new fruits and loved them. He likes to pick blueberries from my mom’s yard and eat them. (I help him find the ripe ones.) It’s going to be fun to pick those with him in a few weeks! He also has taken a liking to peaches and apricots.
Potty training has been amazing! He still wears a diaper at night, and we use pull-ups on long road trips (we learned with this one. He has a tendency to tell us RIGHT when he has to go and we aren’t always next to a restroom.)
He can go through the alphabet and tell you what words begin with each letter. His brain is a sponge.
Swimming is one of his favorite pastimes. We’ve gone just about every weekend over the past 5 weeks. And we have no plans to slow down. I really need to get him into another class this summer.
He has now visited 3 zoos (Greenville, Jacksonville and Asheboro.) He’s becoming well-versed in zoo animals.
When you ask him questions about his day, he can answer them. He’ll tell you the things he played and what he ate for lunch or snack. It’s almost as if we can have an ACTUAL conversation with this almost-3-year-old.
He’s playing “pretend” more. And it is so fun to listen to the conversations he has with his toys. He wants to color and draw more. He has a new-found love with his easel (the chalk board side) and the 48-count box of sidewalk chalk I picked up recently.
He knows he’s funny and he laughs at himself. He also thinks that I’m funny and that his daddy is funny. (That said, he also said his daddy was stinky one day, so.)
Just two more months until we have a full-fledged three-year-old on our hands!
He is growing so fast! Yay for starting to have near conversations!
so fun!! I love to see all the gears click in at each stage!! So very exciting!