38 weeks
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Can you believe that we’re roughly 14 weeks away from having a one-year-old?
We tried avocado this week. He hated it, so I didn’t even try it a second time. Maybe he’ll like it when he’s old enough to have guacamole?
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned that we’re trying puffs now. He seems to like them. About every other night, I strip him down to a diaper and let him eat however he likes – and then he goes directly to the bathtub. He loves both (the messy eating and bath time.)
Last week, he slept 8(ish) hours two nights in a row (giving me a slight break.) This week, he seems to want to wake at 5 a.m. He does go back down after he nurses, until 7:30 or 8. I’m good with 5 a.m. It’s way better than 2 or 3 a.m.