39 weeks

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Someone is 39 weeks old (and a day shy of 9-months-old, so check back tomorrow if you really want to read about him.)


This week he tried green beans (not a fan) and cantaloupe (with one of the mesh teething things.) He grew to like the cantaloupe once he figured out that he could suck the juice from it without really chewing on it. Smart kid.

Someone also had a haircut! Not just a hair trim. It was time. And now it’s time for a series of photos…


Pre-cut, with a wet mohawk of sorts.


Long baby comb over


Tolerating it.




And after. With a comb as a teething toy.

We kept some of the hair for his baby book, in case you were wondering. And now he looks like a little boy, not just a baby. Still cute, though.

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  1. Oh my goodness, Jaime! He really does look very grown up with his haircut. Emma doesn’t like green beans, either. In fact, I’m trying to find something green that she will eat, because she barely tolerates peas!

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