5 meetings and a funeral…and Will Hoge
Tuesday consisted of five meetings, and attending a funeral service for a soldier who was killed in Afghanistan more than a week ago. It made for a long day. The service made it a trying day. I was fine until a five year old boy stood up and spoke about how much he missed his daddy every day, and he loved him very much. I almost lost it. I was strong…kept it together.
Until tonight. Will Hoge was in town. I headed over to the show (this was after being at work-related events since 7:30 a.m., leaving work at 8 p.m.) Five hours of training, two hours of driving and an evening of listening to 35 people sing the national anthem? I needed the show. Will was wonderful (see later post) and then he sang Bible vs. Gun from the America EP. Have you listened to it? I don’t care what you think about the war, or politics. Head over to willhoge.com and listen to it. Listen to the whole album. Everyone needs to.