5 months
Lucas is FIVE months old!
The little guy slept all the way through the night last night. I woke him to eat around 10, and then I woke him around 6:15 to eat this morning. That’s rare. (With breastfed babies, it’s not uncommon for them to wake at least once during the night. I’m okay with waking once. He had been getting into a routine of two and three wake-ups recently, and that was a bit exhausting.)
So when he woke (again) at 7:45, he was in a great mood for our photos!
In the past week, we’ve discovered TWO teeth! One broke through last Monday night, and the other is starting to break through (we saw it yesterday.)
We’re in a rush to get him to wear all of his 3-6 month clothes. Some are more snug than others. Some just can’t be worn at all.
He is in a size 2 diaper (when he wears disposable), but we’re also trying to rush through those so we can go ahead and move into the 3s.
We’ve started the transition out of the swaddle at night. First, we went with one arm out, and this week we’ve been doing both arms out. This weekend, we may start with the sleep sack. Or he may just remain half-swaddled for a little while longer.
And for fun, let’s take a look back at his other monthly photos.
What a cute and happy-looking photo of him at the beginning! Adorable! š