7 months!
Little guy turned 7 months old this weekend! We quickly took his 7-month photo before we headed to Knoxville on Saturday morning. (Tennessee is now the third state he’s visited!)
He’s still wearing a size 3 diaper, and he weighs 18 pounds, 4 ounces. He is up one pound in one month. He feels like he weighs much more. He’s in 6-9 clothes, but I’m finding that some of his clothes are already too small, so we’ll have to pull out the 12 month clothes soon.
He takes about 6 ounce bottles now at daycare. Along with two sides of solids during the day – a fruit or vegetable at lunch and cereal at night.He has tried butternut squash, sweet potatoes, applesauce, pears and peas. The only thing he hasn’t loved has been the pears. He grew to enjoy the applesauce.
He loves to roll around, he lately he’s been acting as if he’d like to crawl sooner, rather than later. He lays his head in the floor (think: face plant) and moves his knees, but hasn’t quite figured out how his arms work into all of this. He can sit up on his own for a few seconds, but he’d rather be moving, moving, moving. We have to babyproof as soon as possible. This kid is going to give us a run for our money.
He thinks the animals are AWESOME. He likes to grab Chloe’s tail, and Sophie’s ears – and they just let him!
The swing is becoming a thing of the past. Last week, as I was getting ready for work, I checked on him and he was hanging half out of the swing – his upper body in the swing, legs dangling out. So we don’t use it much now. We have mats on the floor that he can roll around on and if I need to contain him, he goes into the exersaucer.
We had our first hotel stay the night he turned 7 months old, and it was a disaster. We’re not sure if it was his surroundings, his bed (the pack and play can’t be comfortable), his teeth or just a bad night in general. But it was bad.
That said, he now has SIX teeth! He had four come in on top – all at around the same time. The fourth just broke through. We have friends who have a 10-month old and he just got his first tooth.
He was sleeping through the night (8 hours at a time, for two weeks straight) and then the teething started.
I’m excited to see how much he changes in this next month. I just hope it involves fewer new teeth. And maybe a little more sleep.
He’s so adorable! Isn’t it interesting how differently babies can develop? Emma will be 8 months in a couple of days… she has about a third of the hair and no teeth. She loves to sit up on her own, though, and we think she’ll skip crawling and go straight to butt scooting instead. Babies never fail to amaze me!