9 months
Nine months. NINE months! Where is the time going?
Lucas, you are nine months old. (And, yes, I just used your name on the blog.) And you are growing daily. Your babysitter has even commented on how you leave in the afternoon and come back the next morning a little bit bigger.
You love daycare. There are so many toys to get into and (at most) you have four two-year-olds to try to hang out with. Most days, you only have one or two toddlers to pal around with.
You dislike naps with a passion. Some days are better than others, but we’re lucky if we can get one nap out of you without screaming (on your part.) Bedtime is usually a lot easier. You still have evenings where you cry and then talk yourself to sleep. Your bedtime is 7:30 p.m., and you usually wake around 9:30 or 10 to nurse. This week has been better than the past couple of weeks, and you’ve been sleeping until 5 or 5:30 in the morning (and then going back to sleep until 7:30 or 8.) I can handle getting up at 5:30. I was not handling the 2 and 5 a.m. wake-ups very well.
You have eight teeth! And you’re constantly chewing, so I’m sure you’re working on more. You now weigh 19 pounds and are 27.5 inches long. You’ve gained less than half a pound since last month, but the doctor agrees that you’re burning off calories as quickly as you’re taking them in. You are so active! (By the way, you’re wearing size 12 month clothes, size 3 diapers and some of your clothes don’t fit anymore, so I’m already looking at the 18 month clothes.)
You crawl! You’re great at the Army crawl (better known as the “high crawl”, according to your uncle Jason.) You’ve started crawling a little on your hands and knees, though. And this week you started pushing up on your hands and feet. I think you want to stand and run.
Your dad lowered your crib this weekend because you were grabbing the top. You liked to look over when we’d go in your room, and it made us think you were going to try to climb out. You also had your first haircut this weekend! Your grandma cut your hair (she also cut your uncle Jason’s hair when he was little.) You had a hair trim two months ago, but it was time to get the hair out of your face and off your neck.
You LOVE to dance! Bluegrass music is fun for you, but you’ve also been spotted dancing to Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson. Oh, and Will Smith. You just love a good beat.
As for food, you’ve tried sweet potatoes, butternut squash, peas, pears, carrots, peaches, applesauce, bananas, prunes, green beans, cantaloupe, and cereal and oatmeal.
You say “mom” and “da da da da da” and make other sounds. It’s quite fun. If we ask you if you want to get up or “come here”, you know what we mean and stretch your arms towards us. We’re working on a few signs with you and hope you pick them up quickly.
Every stage of your life has been more and more fun. And the pediatrician mentioned today that you are definitely going to keep us on our toes!
He looks so grown up with that haircut!
Hi Lucas! Happy 9 months cutie!