a moment alone.
It’s Sunday night, and once again, I’m more tired now than when we started the weekend.
The husband has been out of town since Thursday. He arrived home around 4 p.m. today. The baby and I were so excited to see him (me, more than the baby, I believe.) The baby is going through a mom-only clingy phase. It’s cute…and exhausting. Because sometimes I need a minute by myself. Or I need to cook dinner without a baby attached to my leg.
Today I needed to put my shoes on, and my bedroom door shut behind me. The boy sat outside my door saying “mama” over and over. I even saw his little fingers under the doorway. I hadn’t meant to shut the door. But when I was in the room, I realized just how much I needed a few minutes by myself.
I still haven’t really had those few minutes. Guess I’ll have to wait until my 10 minute drive to work tomorrow morning.
My random thoughts for the evening:
We’re supposed to get rain/snow or something bizarre over the next few days. From what I gathered, grocery stores were crazy today. I’m so glad I did our grocery shopping on Friday.
Why do people go for the milk, bread and eggs when snow is in the forecast? Or is this just a Western NC thing? What are you making with all of that milk, bread and eggs?
I have another race next weekend (I KNOW! 3 in a row!) This one is over 7 miles. I haven’t run 7 miles since my half marathon in April. I haven’t run over 5 miles since then (I did run 5 miles last week.) My goal is to finish.
I have several partial projects started for this baby shower I’m throwing this Saturday. Anyone want to complete my projects?
And that’s all I’ve got. I hope your weekend has been great!