amazing weekend at Type-A Mom blog conference
I finished my first blog conference late this afternoon. I’m exhausted and fuzzy-headed so I don’t think I can do the Type-A Mom conference justice in a review right now, but I didn’t think I could let the weekend go by without mentioning it.
I met so many fabulous women (and a few great men) this weekend. I can’t wait to really go through their business cards and add their blogs to my Google Reader.
I learned that I can (and probably should work on) make money off of my blog. Don’t get me wrong. My blog will always be my space to be random, and share things with my family and friends (whether their friends in real life or blog friends), but I also spend a lot of time on my blogs, and it would be nice to get something back in return. Even if it only covered the cost of the domain name for a year.
I have so many ideas and information for work (this wasn’t just about my personal blog, after all!) And I’ve made so many new contacts, so I know if I have any questions, I have a slew of experts at my fingertips.
One of the most fun parts of this weekend was playing “guide” to so many people who had never visited Asheville before. I’m pleased to say that I didn’t hear any bad reviews about restaurants I recommended.
Most of all, Type-A Mom inspired me. I have so many ideas and new plans in the works, and I can’t wait to go forward.
Oh, and I really hope to return to the blog conference next year!