around here….

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…we’ve been busy.

So busy that I had someone clean my house this week (while I worked from the dining room table.) The husband agreed that it was a great idea, and something we may start doing more regularly. What a stress-free evening we had. (The days following haven’t been so bad, either!)

I threw a small birthday gathering for my mom this past weekend. She turned 60 on Monday! (She doesn’t look a day over 50. I swear.) I made another birthday banner to match the invitations I sent out. I also made her cake (black forest cake). All of this was finished after I ran a 5k on Saturday morning. I was definitely playing the role of Super Woman that day.


We’re traveling to see my brother tomorrow. Baby’s first trip to Kentucky! The husband is staying home (scheduling/grad school/too much stuff going on is preventing him from tagging along this time.) It’ll be a quick trip.

Someone’s so close to walking. Definitely by Halloween. He’s just getting his balance now, but in a few weeks I know he’ll start toddling around. And we’re going to have to be on the top of our game in following him around the house.


I’ve been working from home more lately. Well, in the past week and a half. I have plans to work from home more frequently in the coming months. Change of scenery is nice (and my dining room is less distracting than my area in the office, which is now in the middle of the newsroom.)

My photography class is going great. Two weeks in and I’m totally inspired and learning new things. The class is six (or seven?) weeks long. I’m excited about everything that I will learn in the next month.

I have races that I’m signing up for. Several. And I’m genuinely excited about them. Only one is a 5k and two are a little longer, but not quite a half marathon. I need to ease back into this long distance running thing slowly.

I cleared out my closet, and part of my dresser on Sunday evening. And then I started listing items on ebay. I plan on having a yard sale in a week or so. I’m so happy to be ridding my closet of items that don’t fit and that I don’t feel good wearing.


This was only a portion of the clothes. Crazy.

I’ve definitely been in fall cleaning mode. It’s nice.

What have you been up to?

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  1. i would love it if i made time for a closet purge like that!! mine is over run but i hate to get rid of stuff.

    ps – happy belated birthday to your mom! šŸ™‚

  2. It’s good to be busy and really nice that you can work from home. I need to clean out my closet too. What’s really sad are all the very expensive work pants I have that are currently too tight šŸ™

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