Baby update {22 weeks}
We’ve finally hit a point where this girl is rolling herself back over a little more consistently. She still has a tough time at night with rolling herself over, and this week we had a couple of rough nights (compounded by her brother also waking up multiple times.)
She’s discovering the animals she is around every day – Chloe, our cat, and Sophie, my mom’s dog. Neither pet seems too put off by this little one rolling around.
Everything is going in her mouth, and there are still no signs of teeth. She does seem to be more interested in food when we’re eating. It won’t be long until we’re starting solids!
She’s also super chatty right now. She enjoys making noises first thing in the morning when she’s in her crib, when we’re in the car or if she’s in her swing. We have a couple of videos of this talk-time, but she tends to get quiet if we pull a camera out.
She’s starting to giggle which is a lot of fun, and she’s getting more ticklish – which will be TONS more fun soon!