Baby update {23 weeks}

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I feel like we’ve hit the baby jackpot. This girl gets better with each day. Every time I realize we’re past the 5 month mark, inching our way closer to 6 months, I just can’t believe it.

Sometime in the past couple of weeks, she has decided to wake once a night – usually around 4:30 a.m. I have a feeling we’ll be working on that in the next couple of weeks.


We haven’t started solids yet. She’s starting to show some interest, but I think it’s more of a thing where she wants to be at the table with us, versus eating.

I left her for about 40 hours this past week and I think it phased me more than her. (It helped that it was mid-week, and I had the weekend to make up for lost time.) She did great with my husband and mom.

She loves to giggle at her brother. He’ll walk back and forth in front of us while talking and she follows him with her eyes and if he walks behind her, she leans as far back as possible so she doesn’t lose contact. She LOVES listening to him!


I pulled the exersaucer out this weekend. She’s still a little floppy in it, so needs support sitting up. She would prefer to be sitting up than laying down watching the world go by. The way she rolls (more than her brother), I wonder if she’ll be crawling sooner than he did. Thankfully, our baby gate is still in place, and things are still baby-proofed. We were just getting to a point of taking gates down when we discovered we were pregnant last year!

We went to a birthday party Sunday afternoon and she did so great, even when her nap was disrupted. She slept on me and barely fussed. (This is going to be crucial when I take her to a conference next month.) She’s so laid back and happy!

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