Baby update {24 weeks}
(I’m catching up on weekly posts. Hang in there with me…)
24 weeks. Almost a half of a year old. This girl has slipped in the sleeping department, and this week I decided instead of nursing her at 2 or 3 or 4 a.m., I would see how she would do with just being re-swaddled.
She is a rockstar. And she has started to get back on track with her sleeping.
She appears more interested in our foods, but I’m holding out another week or two.
She likes to reach for people when she’s laying down. She prefers to be held – while you’re standing – as opposed to laying down or being seated.
She’s also not as talkative as her big brother was. She just likes to listen and take it all in.
Between 5 and 6 p.m. is still her fussiest time. Still no teeth, and still very happy with life.