Baby update {32 weeks}

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Someone is sleeping through the night again! I am sure it won’t last long, but I’ll take those sleep-filled nights. 


This week was a travel week for us. She did really well, except for Friday night (after Thanksgiving) and she was up so much. She kept getting stuck in the sides of the crib. 

She drools like crazy, and I can see the teeth beneath her gums, but nothing has broken through. We have a dozen teething toys in the fridge and go through them a lot. 

Foods that she has tried so far:
butternut squash
sweet potatoes
green beans


So far, peas and green beans are not her favorites, but she eats them. She’s getting better with mum-mums and she loves fruit! I’ve increased her solids to two different types of food each night. She’s a hungry girl and loves most anything you give her! (As she gets teeth, I’ll be trying more baby led weaning – she definitely shows an interest in what we’re eating at the table.)

She’s getting so much better at sitting on her own, even if she is still a little wobbly. She’s also been in her exersaucer a lot recently and appears to really like it. 

I also haven’t mentioned how much her hair is coming in! She is still somewhat bald on the back of her head in one spot, but it’s amazing to look at pictures from a couple of months ago and then look at her now. With her brother, we were already trimming his hair at this point. 🙂 

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