{Baby update} Week 1
I did weekly updates with L1 for a full year – and the photos are still some of my favorites to look at and compare. I shot his photos on Wednesdays because he was born on Wednesday. In an effort to be fair to L2, I’m going to attempt to post for the next year about her milestones. (Also, baby book. We need all of this for the baby book/scrapbook.) Oh and if you look back at weekly updates, you’ll see my pregnancy updates, before you see the past baby updates.
The blocks we’re using were a gift for our son. They’re BB Blocks (affiliate link!) and they are awesome! The long block has weeks/months/years, so I still use them for our son (the years.) I had kept up with his months for the first 3 years.
Her first weekly photo:
She’s still very much in the sleepy newborn stage. On Saturday, she started staying awake/more alert for longer periods of time. The first night in the hospital was a dream for new parents, but the second night was all about cluster feeding. The third night was better, and now we’re just trying to get into the groove of having a newborn again.
She sleeps well in the swing, and relatively ok in the pack and play bassinet. She’s spent some time in her crib as well. She’s not a fan of the swaddle. She’s discovered her thumb and sucks on that occasionally. She will overeat, and I’m trying to be more conscious of that so she’s not spitting everything up. In that effort, I’ve given her a pacifier a couple of times to suck until she falls asleep.
She’s so mellow! Her pediatrician even commented on how mellow she is. Her brother is NOT mellow, so this has been fun to watch and experience.
Her brother likes her, but isn’t too interested in holding her all the time. He’s most interested in her diapers (I think he just likes to say “ew! Gross!”)
She had a doctor’s appointment on Friday (the day after we left the hospital) to check her bilirubin. She had already gained just over 2 ounces from the day before, so she was 8 pounds, 2.5 ounces. Her bilirubin levels were not high enough for her to require lamps, but we were told to try to get her some extra sunlight. (The slight jaundice is also causing her to be extra sleepy.)
Her brother loves her. Everyone who has come in contact with her loves her. She’s pretty sweet.
What a very cute baby !