{baby update} week 16

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It’s that time of week again!

How far along am I: 16 Weeks

Size of baby: McLittle is the size of an avocado. (Yesterday when I told Kenny that I ate an orange for a snack, he said, “did it remind you of the size of the baby? Since last week the book said the baby was the size of an orange.” It didn’t, if you’re looking for an answer to his question.)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’ve gained 10 pounds since mid-December (I’m fluctuating between 10 and 11 pounds.)

Clothes: No yoga pants this week. My work pants are not working for me anymore – even with the belly band. I switched to low-rise maternity pants yesterday. They’re huge on me. But at least I can breathe! Shirts are still debatable.

Gender: Ultrasound is scheduled for March 30.

Movement: None to speak of yet.

Sleep: No problems this week, except I’m more tired. I thought I was supposed to be regaining my energy in the second trimester?

What I miss: I miss clothes fitting properly and running.

Cravings: Pineapple. And strawberries. I’m convinced that I’m going to try to grow strawberries this summer.

Symptoms: Exhausted. Clothes don’t fit….but that just sounds like a really fun weekend, right?

Best moment this week: I upped my intake of fruits and vegetables again! I’m not feeling so nauseous and eating fruit has become enjoyable once again. šŸ™‚

This week’s photo was taken right after work on Wednesday night. Chloe just couldn’t be away from me, so she sneaked into the picture.


Also, the photo looks really dark on my work computer, but fine on my home computer. Hope it’s okay!

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  1. so cute-love Chloe joined in this week!

    fresh pineapple is the best….glad you are feeling better! And the tired thing has never fully gone away for me, but towards the end of the second it got a little better!

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog! I’ve just become your newest follower. šŸ™‚

    Also, I love your cat making a guest appearance in your belly shot. šŸ˜›

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