{baby update} week 20
We’re at the halfway mark! I’m no longer to hide McLittle with clothes. People who I don’t speak to at work are now asking me about the baby – and many are shocked when I tell them that I’m halfway through the pregnancy.
How far along am I: 20 Weeks
Size of baby: McLittle is now the size of a small cantaloupe. (Really, I need something other than fruits and vegetables to compare this baby to.)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’ve gained 16.5 pounds since mid-December. Oh how the numbers stress me out.
Clothes: I love maternity shirts. I’m thinking I should wear them post-baby too. For a long, long time. And I found the best jeans last weekend at Kohls. I’d wear them as often as my yoga pants if I could.
Gender: It’s a boy!
Movement: There has been movement. Mostly at night, because that’s the only time I really slow down and pay attention.
Sleep: I’m sleeping, which is awesome. Now that I’ve said that, I’m sure I won’t sleep tonight. I have a short vacation coming up in a couple of days and I’m looking forward to really sleeping.
What I miss: This week I miss mowing the lawn. We tend to have opposite roles in our house. I like the yard work. Kenny’s better at a lot of the cleaning. But with our hilly yard, it’s not the smartest thing for me to mow it right now. (Oh how I miss it, though.)
Cravings: Still fruit. I also tend to eat ice cream or sherbet at night. *Someone* ate the rest of my cookies and cream ice cream the other night, and you would have thought someone kicked my cat (because I really, really love her.) All is good now. I have sherbet, which I know *someone* doesn’t like and won’t touch.
Symptoms: Sharp ligament pains. They don’t usually last long, but ouch!
Best moment this week: I think it might be finding the best. jeans. ever. Or maybe when I scheduled our childbirth classes. A huge load off my mind. (Oh, and we didn’t fight about the photo this week. Took it as soon as I got home from work last night!)
Next week, I’ll wear shoes in my picture. 🙂
(patting McLittle belly)
Awesome on the jeans, they really make all the difference in the world! So glad you found a great deal! yeah for sherbet…have some for me!
Yeah for cute maternity clothes and for sherbet. MMMMM.
How are you already 20 weeks? You are a very cute pregnant mama.
What a nice picture…It’s so good to see you progressing right along!!