{baby update} week 26
Wow. 26 weeks. I’m still in disbelief that we’re really having a baby in a few months. That’s all.
How far along am I: 26 Weeks
Size of baby: McLittle weighs about a pound and two-thirds. He’s roughly 14 inches long. BabyCenter compares his size to an English Hothouse Cucumber. I like cucumbers, so I hope I like this week a lot!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m up 21 pounds.
Clothes: I’m quickly outgrowing some of my t-shirts. Luckily, my mom and I are going shopping again next week (and it’s outlet shopping.) Must find more clothes asap.
Gender: As far as we know, he’s still a boy.
Movement: He’s active a lot more during the day – especially lunchtime and dinnertime. Maybe that’s a hint that he’s hungry? 🙂
Sleep: I need more of it. It’s been great, but I’m starting to feel the exhaustion I felt at the beginning of the pregnancy.
What I miss: My energy levels, and real workouts. I realized that my weight workouts don’t have to be dropped completely. I just have to modify or drop a few of the exercises. I’ve resumed doing some very light weight workouts for my arms, which have been neglected for a while.
Cravings: I’ve been surrounded by sweets this week, and haven’t indulged like many expect me to. I can’t say that there’s been one thing that I just have to have RIGHT THEN.
Symptoms: I’m very tired. And I can’t eat or drink anything too late or the food won’t have a chance to digest properly before I go to bed (and then I just feel sick.)
Best moment this week: The room is almost cleared out and ready for painting. (Now we just need to decide on a paint color – maybe that can be decided this weekend.)
And yet another fabulous photo taken in the office bathroom.