{baby update} week 27
I had my glucose test yesterday (to check for gestational diabetes). Still waiting to hear about the results, but considering I gave up my sherbet and ice cream habit several weeks ago, I’m thinking hoping I may be okay. On the other hand, the amount of sugar I’m eating shouldn’t affect the results – and hopefully my body is processing it properly. (The upside to failing the first test would be taking a day off of work to endure a 3-hour test.)
How far along am I: 27 Weeks
Size of baby: McLittle weighs about two pounds. He’s roughly 14 inches long. BabyCenter compares his size to a head of cauliflower.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m up 22 pounds.
Clothes: I’m quickly outgrowing some of my t-shirts. Luckily, my mom and I are going shopping again next week (and it’s outlet shopping.) Must find more clothes asap.
Gender: Yep, still a boy!
Movement: He moves a lot now (at least I can feel him move a lot now.) And this week we started seeing the movements. Crazy!
Sleep: I need more of it. It’s been great, but I’m starting to feel the exhaustion I felt at the beginning of the pregnancy.
What I miss: My energy. I’m zapped.
Cravings: I’ve really wanted tater tots from Sonic, but I’m holding off.
Symptoms: I’m so tired. I keep reading that my back should be hurting more, but it isn’t. I’m wondering if my chiropractor visits are helping out with that.
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby move. It was a little weird, but cool at the same time! Even Kenny got to see him move, instead of just feeling him.
So exciting you are getting to see him move! Can’t wait till you catch it out of the corner of your eye…he’ll be boxing your uterus in no time!