{baby update} week 28

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Another week down. And we’ve officially entered the third trimester! The nursery is coming along (slowly) and I still feel pretty good. People ask me on a daily basis how I’m feeling, and I almost feel bad for always saying “good.” This week, I’ve been more sore than usual, but I think that can be attributed to last Thursday’s fall. Other than that, I just feel like a girl who has put on some weight. Only when this weight comes off, we’re going to be parents.

How far along am I: 28 Weeks

Size of baby: McLittle weighs about two and a half pounds. He’s roughly 15 inches long and is being compared to the size of a bag of flour.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m up 24 pounds.

Clothes: I did not find great clothes at the outlets last week, but I did find a cute bathing suit (that will hopefully last me through the summer.) I’m loving the capris that I have bought over the past couple of months. So much better than jeans or shorts.

Gender: He’s a boy, unless something’s changed in recent weeks!

Movement: I feel him more and more every week. He’s pretty calm in the afternoons, but his movements have started picking up in the mornings.

Sleep: I’d be great if my husband would sleep in on the weekends. For some reason, he’s been waking up early and starts talking to me. It isn’t fun. I also have to fight for a spot in the bed with him and Chloe taking up the majority of the space.

What I miss: This is definitely my summer drinks. Especially after Memorial Day weekend. Everyone around me is having margaritas, and I’m downing the lemonade.

Cravings: No real cravings this week (again.) About two weeks ago, a friend told me that we needed to pair Kenny with “a real pregnant woman.” She meant a pregnant woman who had the weird cravings you always hear about.

Symptoms: I’m sleepy. And heartburn has returned with a vengeance.

Best moment this week: Found out that I passed my glucose test (it was 85 – and I think they make you retake it when you’re in the 130s.) The nurse sounded excited, so that made me excited. Bring on the ice cream!

This photo worries me. I still have 12 weeks. I am going to need a new wardrobe just for the third trimester.


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  1. what a cutie you are šŸ™‚ my friend had to do something similiar. actually i think she ended up with 3 sets of maternity clothes.

  2. You look great and I’m glad you can honestly answer “good” when people as you how you are feeling.

    Congrats on passing the glucose test too šŸ™‚

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