{baby update} week 31
Nine weeks people. Nine. Weeks.
How far along am I: 31 Weeks.
Size of baby: McLittle weighs just over three pounds. He’s over 16 inches long.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m up 28 pounds. With all of the rain we’ve been having, I just haven’t been walking as much. Hope to change that this coming week.
Clothes: Someone at work hooked me up with some of our old race shirts – the sizes that nobody took, from large to xxl. So now I can sport running shirts while I’m at home, and not look like a complete freak (a lot of my t-shirts were getting a little tight.)
Gender: An ultrasound reconfirmed that he is a boy!
Movement: He moves a lot at night, and even when I’m sleeping. Kenny felt him for a while one night, while I was asleep, and didn’t know how I could sleep through all of the movement. You just get used to it. What people don’t understand is that when I’m standing or moving around, he doesn’t. I can’t make him move on command, so besides Kenny, nobody else has felt him move.
Sleep: Still sleeping great, but I’m starting to feel tight or sore when I first get out of bed in the morning. I think a lot of that has to do with having a cat who sleeps next to me and think she needs the same amount of space as I have.
What I miss: Helping out around the house. My mom and Kenny painted the nursery over the weekend and all I could do was cook dinner.
Cravings: I tried a banana yogurt this week at TCBY. Not as great as the watermelon. I’ve been loving my daily dose of chocolate, too.
Symptoms: The exhaustion continues, and I’ve learned that I can easily overdo things. I was told to slow down at my doctor’s appointment. My body is definitely slowing down, while my mind continues to think I can handle it all.
Best moment this week: We received a surprise ultrasound at the doctor’s appointment on Tuesday! Unfortunately, I was at this appointment alone, but I did manage to get some cool photos to bring home. Other good moments this week: the nursery is painted, the rocking chair is in the room and the crib was put together.
My Sweet Jaime!!! You look just wonderful—-you definately have the baby glow!! Love you lots, Aunt Linda
love the shirt!!