{baby update} week 32

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We have 8 weeks remaining. That’s next to nothing – and that’s only if he is born at 40 weeks. If McLittle decides to come a bit early, or even a bit late, this week thing is all relative. (Personally, I’m kind of hoping he waits until September 1. I like September a lot.)

How far along am I: 32 Weeks.

Size of baby: McLittle weighs almost 4 pounds. He is roughly 17 inches long.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m up 29 pounds. More than I’d like to be, but it’s not like I can use this time to diet.

Clothes: We scored two extra large t-shirts from Delta after a disastrous flight (or two) to New York and back. Those t-shirts are going to come in handy.

Gender: Definitely still a boy.

Movement: He still moves a lot, but the movements are a little bit stronger – or more like stretching and flipping over. My mom and grandma have talked about how their kids (mainly the boys) would get stuck under their ribs – McLittle has spared me that pain so far.

Sleep: I jinxed myself. I sleep great, but now I’m getting up about once a night to deal with leg cramps and to use the bathroom. And I need more sleep. Lots more sleep.

What I miss: I couldn’t go to a concert last week because of how crowded it was going to be, in addition to how out of control crazy we know the band and their fans can get. And at a wedding this weekend, I luckily had a heads-up that one of the glasses was champagne and not water with pretty strawberries floating in it. On Monday, someone took my seat on a plane leaving me in the exit row. We had a “discussion” over who really couldn’t sit in the exit row. I never had to worry about drinking champagne before. Or crowds. Or exit rows.

Cravings: I’ve been wanting ice cream this week, but mostly because we just didn’t have it at the house.

Symptoms: Leg cramps every. single. night. I can’t wait until I can go to sleep at night, and not have a fear of stretching my calves out. I’m also noticing that my fingers are swelling more at night (I no longer wear my rings when I sleep) and if I don’t drink enough water throughout the day. It’s just a reminder that I need a LOT of water.

Best moment this week: Besides seeing extended family this weekend and one of my favorite cousins getting married? Making it home on Monday and seeing that my mom had painted the trim in McLittle’s room. All that is left is the closet and we can really start decorating.

Now, excuse the paleness.


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One Comment

  1. you look great! you are carrying so high! sorry you had so many flight issues this weekend. sucks you had to go thru it being prego

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