{baby update} week 33
Only seven(ish) more weeks to go, and this was a rough one. I hope they get better. We traveled a lot – first to New York and back, and then to Lake Waccamaw for a long weekend (and baby shower – more on that soon.) Both trips were exhausting in their own way, and I realized on the drive this past weekend that I know why doctors don’t allow pregnant women to travel after a certain time.
How far along am I: 33 Weeks.
Size of baby: McLittle weighs over 4 pounds. He is possibly a little more than 17 inches long. And he’s about the size of a pineapple. I love pineapples!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I’m up 30 pounds. Doctor didn’t say anything about it, and I’m sure the massive amounts of cake (and the ribs we had Monday night before the appointment) didn’t help matters. At least I’ve been able to exercise more this week and this past weekend.
Clothes: Same old maternity clothes, though I did score two new shirts on clearance at Gap. I’ll add those to the photo rotation soon.
Gender: McLittle is still a boy (or he will be embarrassed by his clothing selection later in life).
Movement: McLittle is an active person. And he hasn’t yet made his way into a position to actually be delivered, though the doctor said he won’t be concerned unless he’s breech when I’m 36 weeks along. Sometimes I can feel his head, which is a little strange. I feel him roll a LOT.
Sleep: I’ve had the hardest time sleeping this past week. Between the heat, not being in my own bed and just getting sick when I lie down, it hasn’t been good. Going to start not eating after dinner and see if that happens with the getting sick part. We have no more trips planned, so I’ll be in my own bed for the rest of this pregnancy.
What I miss: Sleep and my memory continues to escape me. I hear that my memory is just gone. Kids do that to you, so I shouldn’t expect to get that back.
Cravings: I have ice cream bars in the freezer, and I’ve still been loving fruit.
Symptoms: Lack of sleep, heartburn.
Best moment this week: Our second of four (plus a few) baby showers was this past weekend. It was pretty fun (and we definitely don’t need clothes for the first six months) and now we’re gearing up for the third shower this coming weekend.
I’m actually 33 weeks, 2 days in this photo(taken at my baby shower.)
The memory thing is no joke. I am such a scatterbrain. At least I have Ruffin to blame. Haha! š
LOL at your comment about McLittle being embarrassed by his clothing selection later in life! Too funny! š