Baby update {week 5}
Slow down, time!
Baby girl is definitely gaining weight. I can see it in her face and how her clothes are fitting. I love it and hate it. I love it because she’s clearly growing and that’s fantastic. Hate it because I like my tiny baby and I know we won’t be able to make her this size again. So if she could just stay small for a while (small and snuggly), that would be great.
She’s waking twice a night, consistently. I don’t really have to set an alarm now. She has somewhat set her own bedtime. She loses her mind if she isn’t in her crib before 8 p.m. It’s nice because both kids have a consistent and similar bedtime (and it’ll be easier for me to return to work.)
She’s smiling more, and she recognizes her favorite people (mom, dad, brother.) When she hears her brother talk, she’ll look toward his voice.
Still size 1 diaper and 3 month clothes. Her bows finally fit her, which is cute. (I love the small bows. Big bows are not my thing.)
We also did her hand and foot print mold, like I did with Lucas at this age. I now have to get a photo to put in the frame. Oh! And we had pictures done – also the same age Lucas had his pictures taken. I’ll post those soon. We’re going picture crazy over here.