a beach-y trip

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I mentioned we went to the beach this past weekend and wanted to at least mark the occasion with a few photos.

The house we stayed at was on the waterway, and had it’s own pier, which was nice. We were just a few right turns from the beach and we were able to visit every day. We spent a considerable amount there on Friday and Saturday. Kenny and my mother-in-law joked that I might be the only person they know who goes to the beach and comes back even more white (I use a lot of sunscreen. I burn easily.) The weather was nice, and it stormed a few times, but they were quick summer-like thunderstorms.

And now for the pictures:
This was a Chevy made out of sand. Crazy.
One of my favorite pictures:
The little rock-looking things are crabs (just below the pier.) They scurried whenever I got near the pier.

We’re going to Florida for a few days next month. I’m sure we’ll get our fill of the beach while we’re there.

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  1. I’m with Mendie-that shell shot is awesome. I need to take lessons from all you great photographers. That, and get a decent camera šŸ™‚

  2. Thanks, ladies! Bari, I don’t have a fancy camera (sometimes I borrow my mom’s.) These were all taken with my Nikon Coolpix, but I recently discovered the manual settings on the camera. Check out my You Capture post today – I’m in love with some of those photos (also taken at the beach).

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