Bele Chere = playtime
This week’s You Capture theme was to focus on play. I did that at Bele Chere (for non-locals, Bele Chere is a street festival in Asheville focusing on art, music and a lot of food – it shuts down the streets of downtown for three days.)
I liked this wind sock creatures on top of a parking garage – they looked like they were playing above the crowds:
Balloon animals are a lot of fun too:
I wasn’t expecting to see Spider-Man near Pack Square:
Nor was I expecting to see a girl playing the accordion:
This human statue played her drum when you tipped her:
I really do love Bele Chere, and didn’t spend nearly enough time there last weekend (it was too hot!) I’m sure I would have had over 100 photos if I had spent just a few more hours downtown.
What a diverse group of entertainment. I like the statue drummer.
The wind sock people are so cool! Great timing on that, I like how they’re ‘posed’.
Okay, next year I want to go, too!
I wanna go!