The big 3-0-0

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I started this blog in 2005 because everyone else had a blog, and really…I used to be more of a follower than a leader. And here I am, three and a half years later, and on my 300th post.

This has definitely become more of a place for friends and family to keep up with me, and less of a journal for myself. (Really, nobody read it back in 2005. I rarely posted!)

I don’t have anything huge or insightful tonight, so here’s what we’re up to this week….get ready. This could be a long one!

We’re packing. Or, rather, I’m packing. I had some help from the husband who did pack some of his DVDs tonight, and tried to talk me into getting rid of some of mine, but I didn’t fold. Still, he wants to do more, but once I get into something, I have a way that I want it to be done and he knows better than to mess with my method.

We have about 10 boxes of CDs and DVDs. That’s crazy. It’s mostly CDs, which I spent four hours going through yesterday, making sure (my) CDs matched the cases. Why mine? Because I’m the only one in this household who puts 2 or 3 CDs in one case, and never matches them back with their “home.” I learned my lesson yesterday.

Can I also add that each time I’ve spent a considerably amount of time packing, I’ve actually gotten sick? This move isn’t going to be easy, if I can’t pack.

The move….We have a closing date! December 5 is the closing date, and we’re set to sign papers at 9 a.m. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to take that entire day off, but I’ll definitely try. We’re hoping to get everything moved on Dec. 6. We meet with the roofer this week and we’re tentatively scheduled to get a new roof on Dec. 8. It’s going to be busy…

I’ve been asked to mentor for Team in Training again next spring/summer, and I’m seriously considering it. We’ve got to find a cure for leukemia. The race I would most likely run would be the one in Seattle. TNT would help cover expenses (the majority of the money, though, goes back to the Society.) The only thing stopping me from signing on right now is the huge commitment. And I need to have my better half involved – and supportive. He’s somewhat supportive, but I think our impending move is stressing us both out.

I’m also trying to think of dates that we can get back up to New York (but this time seeing more family, and not just Buffalo and Toronto.) I’m going to have to break out the 2009 calendar soon. Hey family, any dates that are better than others?

I’m still thinking a lot about Jason. On Saturday night, I noticed that someone had visited his site from Alaska, so I texted him. Our conversation went like this:
Me: You in Alaska? Still have service?
Him: Not for long. Boarding now jb
Me: Can you see Russia? šŸ™‚
Him: No. See ya. Enjoy your cosmos jb
Me: lova ya Jason šŸ™‚
Yes, I had several drinks in me, and thought the Russia comment would be hilarious.

He hasn’t logged back onto his blog since Saturday night, and I’m hoping he’ll get internet access by the end of the week. Not sure if that’ll happen either. My texts sure are quiet, though.

On that note, I’m going to wrap this up. I hope you’re having a good Monday…

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