birthday wrap-up

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Told you there would be a run-down of the birthday activities. Too bad I only have one photo (so far) to show for the day. My goal for this year is to take even more photos. I’m not sure if that’s possible, but I’ll try!

I woke up wayyyyy early yesterday. Not sure why. Kenny had to work, and I took the day off, and I still woke up around 5:30. The birthday phone calls and text messages started around 7 a.m. It was fun! I’m very much a morning person, so morning calls don’t bother me one bit. In fact, Cynthia and I (and Missy and I) have the best conversations while on our way to work.

I sat myself in front of the tv, with Bravo on, and my table set up with card-making supplies. I proceeded to make a few cards while relaxing…because I don’t know how to relax. I also walked the dogs in the morning. The deserved a birthday walk.

I had lunch at Olive Garden with Nancy, Mai and Carol and it was so. much. fun. Nancy managed to get the waiter’s phone number for Carol – because Carol is working on a story and she could use him as a source. Really, we just wanted to fix Carol up with the guy. Left Olive Garden and headed over to Lena’s to hang with her and the baby. He’s way cute. It was my first time seeing him awake. Kid likes to sleep during the day!

When I left there, I figured I should finish my cake and run a few errands. We had dinner plans at 6. Off to Ingles I went, and bought food coloring. I’ve never colored frosting before and I really wanted a purple cake. So I got it. And the purple matched the walls of my bedroom when I was a teenager (April and I realized that at dinner.)

I got some of the coolest gifts. It was overwhelming. Really, I just wanted everyone to get along at dinner. Instead, I felt the love of 15 friends and family members. Totally awesome.

Several cool cards showed up before (and on) the big day. Kenny bought me the latest New Kids on the Block CD (I’m ready for their concert!) and a gift certificate to a day spa. My mom bought me a dvd set (the final season of Will & Grace) and Sex and the City (the movie.) I so can’t wait to have a SATC party!! Ros bought be a wonderfullll candle and Mary Ruth hooked me up with one of the coolest ceramic Santas that she made. Marie and April were both on the same wavelength when they bought me gift cards to AC Moore and Michaels. Marie even included the latest coupon for AC Moore 🙂 Now I HAVE to use it this week! And the balloon Aileen and Ryan brought me is still inflated and is resting comfortably in the living room.

I’m a pretty lucky girl.

My ceramics girls always go to dinner for birthdays, and since my birthday landed on ceramics night, and it was such a big day, we decided to invite others along. Those who showed up included….Marie, Ros, Mary Ruth, Cindy and Logan (Cindy’s daughter). The non-ceramics peeps included Kenny, my mom, my grandma, April, Shawn, Brandon, Betsey, Aileen and Ryan. We rocked Carrabbas!

So, thanks to all who called, texted and sent cards. I’m sure I won’t forget this birthday (unlike my 29th, which nobody can seem to remember.)

The celebration continues on Saturday 🙂 Pictures will definitely be taken that night.

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