Blogging Survey!
Thanks to Julie for this survey!
1. How has blogging impacted you and your life? Blogging started out as a way to keep up with code and projects in the newsroom. I may be the only person still blogging since that group began writing in 2005. It’s evolved into a part-time income for me and my family. It’s also opened doors for me to meet fabulous people in real life (some of my closest friends are people I met through the blogging world!)
2. What’s the favorite post you’ve written? I think my craft posts from 2014 were some of my most favorite. I had a lot of time and created more than a dozen items. I’m just hoping I can get around to finishing my posts for 15 in 15!
3. How do you find time to juggle it all, blogging, working, having a social life? I find time by blogging during my lunch hour and during naptimes on weekends. I tend to work most on Sunday afternoons, but I also try to get drafts started at night after the kiddo is in bed. I don’t have a strict schedule for myself, and maybe I should schedule myself a little more. My social life has been lacking. I’m working on that.
4. What is something special you do to treat yourself? Crafting. Ceramics class on Tuesday nights is SUCH a treat, and I don’t get to do it every week.
5. Do you take spontaneous trips or are you more of a planner? I’m more of a planner. Not planning a trip stresses me out to no end.
6. Where was your last trip to? Atlanta – for a blogging conference. š
7. Where is your dream vacation destination? Right now? Turks & Caicos. (or the Bahamas because they’re a quick flight from Charlotte.) I’d love, love, love to visit England one day.
8. Weirdest fact about you? I signed up for Yahoo! Personals so I could message one guy. Once he responded, I removed my profile. We got married 3 years later, so apparently it worked out. š
9. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 18-year-old self? Ditch the high school boyfriend and start over in college. You’ll meet some fantastic people in college. Make every effort to stay involved – and stay in touch throughout and after college.
10. Are you a light packer or a I-should-take-everything-just-in-cast type of gal? In between. I’ve gotten better over the years (especially since adding a kid into the mix.) Now I can pack clothes for my son and I into a carry-on suitcase – for almost a week. I’m a really good packer (and I can pack a car like nobody’s business!)
I’m tagging Jen, Karen, Susanna, Bari and Brooke to complete this….and anyone else that wants to do it!
i’m on it!
i envy those who can pack lightly. its just not in me!!
Fun quiz. I totally thought this was going to be a survey for your readers based on the title. Ooops. š I’m half-asleep, though, so that’s probably why.