I’m such a calendar person. I have my desk calendar (which I’ve been getting for $1 at the Target One-Stop section), my Day Planner that I refill every year (I got the planner in high school, or prior to my first year of college), my cell phone calendar, a wall calendar in the kitchen, one in our exercise room and one in my office. And tonight I discovered the glorious Google calendar 🙂
For real. If you need a calendar and are ready to go online with it, I recommend it! I may try to get Kenny on it, so we can sync our calendars and he knows what I’m planning far, far in advance.
It’s fabulous!
I’ve had an ok day. Not a good work day, but that was remedied with great shopping deals at Target (Christmas tree for $12.49!) And now I have my Google calendar. It’s a good start to the weekend!