capturing love around my home

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This week’s You Capture theme was love around the home. I could have captured my husband (or the cat) but instead went for something a little different.

First, the canister set my ceramics teacher made us for a wedding gift. They actually reside in our dining room, but the color matches our kitchen perfectly. And they mean a lot because Marie spent SO much time on them for us!
Second, a monkey and pillow. My husband won the monkey out of one of those claw machines. He worked at a summer camp one summer, and came home with this. (He is not a stuffed animal kind of guy, so this was HUGE for him!) The pillow is from a friend who lives in Pennsylvania. The quote is “You take the good and the bad, the time in between. It lets us know we’re alive.” It’s from the song “Alive” by Edwin McCain…possibly my most favorite song ever. And she and I are big Edwin fans.
Finally, last night’s dinner. I was late getting home from work, and the husband had dinner waiting for me – he didn’t even start eating without me! I liked how I captured the steam coming off of the chili.

And now it’s your turn….show the love in your home!

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  1. I love seeing everyone’s photos this week…it’s like taking a little peek inside their home and seeing what kinds of things they enjoy. It’s a great way to get to know people. šŸ™‚

    Mmm…chili! How sweet of your husband! šŸ™‚

  2. A stuffed animal would be huge from my husband, as well. I love the canisters. IT’s those kind of gifts that truly mean the world to me- ones from the heart. I really enjoyed your captures this week.

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