cat + tree = trouble
We put our Christmas tree up tonight. It’s still not decorated. We originally had it near the window on the side of our living room and the husband thought we should go ahead and risk putting it in the front window.
Chloe isn’t sure about the tree in the room. She laid underneath it when I put the tree skirt down, but she also tried to use the tree as a giant scratching post. (Big no-no. We’re going to have to definitely keep the water bottle around to spray the bad kitty.) When she hopped up on the couch arm to scope out how she’d get to her favorite window, I knew we were in for it. It was a matter of minutes before I could mentally see our tree falling into the massively expensive and large flat screen tv.
So I moved her stool back in front of the window, and almost under the tree.
This is Chloe in her current state:
Not sure how long the tree is going to last, and at this point, I’m considering not decorating it tonight!
To those of you with cats, how do you keep them out of the tree? We would like to keep our television (in one piece) and the cat.
Now, you know you cant do that in front of her window!
And just wait till you get the ornaments on there and she decides to play “bat the shiny hanging objects”. Then you’ll find them all over the floor. Or she’ll try to climb the the tree…. and where you put the tree will not change this….she’ll do it anyway.
*sigh* It was either cover up her sunny area where she likes to sleep, or block her favorite window. I compromised and put her stool practically in the tree!
And lucky for me, we don’t have many shiny ornaments. Most of ours are hand painted. I’m not decorating until tomorrow, just to see if the tree stays upright.